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May 5, 2019

This is our 2 year anniversary episode!

In this episode, we talk about a massive CRM project failure that took place years ago, and my Top 5 red flags that can tell you if your project is going down the same road to failure.


EDS vs. BskyB Court Decision:

EDIT: Several people asked me if this was a Microsoft Dynamics CRM/365 implementation because I didn't make that clear on the episode.

The project that's the subject of this episode started in November 2000. Microsoft Dynamics CRM was not released until 2003.

So the answer is No.

But this was a CRM Implementation and the lessons we learned from this disaster can be extrapolated to the implementation of ANY CRM solution available in the market today.

However, the software is not the focus or the reason for the disaster. Based on the way things were done, I think the project would've been a disaster regardless of the software being implemented.

I will discuss more on Episode 53.